The NanoExplore project has successfully ended! The Final Project Report is ready for your download. It covers the project activities from...

ALCON Consultant Engineers Ltd
“ALCON CONSULTANT ENGINEERS Ltd” was founded in 1974. ALCON operates in the field of engineering design implementation, provision of technical consultancy services and implementing energy and environmental projects. The firm's scope of services includes the following:
- Mechanical & Electrical engineering design implementation
- Environmental engineering design and consulting services
- Energy Engineering design and services (incl. Renewable Energy Sources And Energy Systems
- Management, Energy Design of M.E.P. Installations ,Energy and Bioclimatic Building Design, Energy Saving
- Studies- Energy Efficiency Studies
- Technical Consultant Services (incl.Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Construction)
- Management, Commissioning, National and EU co – funded Programs' Management
The experience of ALCON in the environmental area comes from the experience of AXON Enviro-Group Ltd., a company specialized in this field, being in the procedure of merging with ALCON, and includes among others the following
- Strategy plans for the improvement of the environmental quality
- Climate change, adaptation and mitigation plans
- Air quality modelling and environmental informatics
- Industrial safety
- Design, management and implementation of national and international environmental projects and surveys
- Environmental auditing, project planning, analysis, design and permitting
- Indoor air pollution studies and planning of ventilation and conditioning systems
- Environmental impact assessments
In the above areas the company has participated in numerous projects, European and National, as for example AUTO-OIL II, multiple LIFE projects, and the projects "Mapping of Atmospheric Pollution in Greece through calculation of atmospheric pollution sources and the development of reliable software tools" and "National Intercalibration Laboratory for Air Pollution".
“ALCON Consultant Engineers Ltd.” is organized according to modern requirements featuring specialised groups per type of employment, full office automation / computerisation, know – how on the quality control procedures, occupational safety, minimization of energy consumption, etc. all in accordance with Greek, European and International Standards where applicable.
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