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NanoExplore Workshop #1: Understanding biomonitoring protocols and biomarkers in environments with high exposure to nanomaterials

NanoExplore Workshop #1: Understanding biomonitoring protocols and biomarkers in environments with high exposure to nanomaterials
You are cordially invited to the first one of the upcoming series of events organised by NanoExplore after the successful completion of the project.
The workshop will take place online via Zoom on the 25th of May 2022 between 11:00 and 12:30 (CET).
Mark the date and join us!
Date: May 25, 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 (CET)
(After registration, a joining link, as well as a Meeting ID and a passcode, will be sent to your email.)
About the workshop
In this workshop, the EU-funded NanoExplore Project hosts Irina Guseva-Canu from Unisanté (IST) and Enrico Bergamaschi from the University of Torino (IT), who will provide the nanotechnology audience with a deeper insightinto bio-monitoring protocols in environments where exposure to nanomaterials is inevitable.
Workshop Plan
First session: 11:00 - 11:30 AM
Short break: 11:30 - 11:40 AM
Second session: 11:40 AM - 12:10 PM
Q&A session and concluding remarks: 12:10 PM - 12:30 PM
Topics to be covered
The topics to be discussed during the workshop are as follows:
Prof. Irina Guseva-Canu
Unisanté, University of Lausanne
Presentation Title: “Reference values of biomarkers of oxidative stress in non-invasively collected biological matrices: Relevance for understanding and interpreting biomarkers changes in epidemiological studies”
Prof. Enrico Bergamaschi
University of Torino (UNITO)
Presentation Title: “On the need for an integrated and harmonized study protocol to assess exposure and early effects in workers occupationally exposed to nanomaterials”
Who should attend?
- Companies manufacturing and handling nanomaterials
- Researchers working at the intersection of occupational medicine and nanosafety
- Regulatory bodies working with the REACH regulation
- Individuals involved in the safety and regulation of nanomaterials
- Health and Safety Managers as well as employees handling nanomaterials

Prof. Enrico Bergamaschi, University of Torino (UNITO)
Enrico Bergamaschi (MD, PhD) is a Full Professor of Occupational Medicine at the Department of Public Health Sciences and Pediatrics - Laboratory of Industrial Toxicology and Epidemiology, University of Torino, Italy. Investigator in international Research Projects dealing with the development and validation of biomarkers of exposure, internal dose and early effects on target organs from xenobiotics, he is currently involved in studies on the interactions of nanomaterials with biological systems and nano-safety issues (MaRiNa, SanoWork, BIORima, NanoExplore, PlasticFate). Author/co-author of 145 peer-reviewed papers referenced in Scopus (Times Cited: 3700; h-index: 35).
Prof. Irina Guseva-Canu, Unisanté (IST)
Irina Guseva Canu is an Associate Professor of Occupational Epidemiology at the University of Lausanne and Head of the academic sector at Unisanté, Centre for Primary Care and Public Health in Vaud County, Switzerland. She leads several national and international interdisciplinary research projects and task groups dedicated to a number of topics related to occupational and environmental exposures to physical, chemical and psychosocial factors, including engineered nanomaterials, particulate matter and ultrafine particles, stress, and various health outcomes, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, COPD, burnout and suicides. Research on biomarkers of these exposures and diseases is of particular interest and is currently conducted in the frame of two international projects: NanoExplore and ROBoCoP.
Judith Friesl
Yordas GmbH
Yasemin Ertugrul
Yordas GmbH